Letter Of Recommendation For Immigration (Sample)

If an employee needs a reference letter to process their immigration application, here’s an easy template you can use to write a letter of recommendation for immigration.

Dear [name],

I am [Name], the [title] of [institution/company] in


. [Name of employee] has been my employee for [number] years as a



During [his/her] stay, [Name of employee] has proved to be an excellent employee. I highly commend [his/her] [professional trait] and respect the vital role that [he/she] plays in our company. [He/She] is a dependable employee.

I have not heard of [Name of employee] experiencing any financial issue in the community or the government nor required financial assistance from the government. [He/She] serves as good example and a valuable person in this country.

Hence, I fully support the immigration application of [Name of employee]. You can communicate with me should you have inquiries.


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