Parent Teacher Conference Follow Up Letter

If you’d like to follow up after a parent-teacher conference, here’s a sample template you can use to write a parent-teacher conference follow up letter. You can also use this to write a follow up email after parent teacher conference.

Dear [Teacher’s name],

Thank you for giving us the chance to meet and discuss [child’s name]. We are happy to know that our child’s teacher is as dedicated to [his/her] success as we are. After our conference, we analyzed and corrected the reasons behind our child’s issue with [issue]. We also started implementing some of the action ideas you suggested as well as our own to help resolve the problem. We [idea] and [idea]. We know that this process takes time and consistency but we hope that these are substantial steps to help [him/her] move forward positively.

We want to check if [child’s name] shows improvement in class as well. Please let us know if he has progressed in class and if the situation is now under control. If there are any other improvement ideas that you have identified, we would also love to hear those so we can take the appropriate action immediately. I know that by working together, we can provide [child’s name] an academic experience that [he/she] truly deserves.


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