Letter to Inform Change in Address

Here is a “letter to inform change in address” you can use to inform someone that you are changing address.

[Reciever’s Name] 

[Reciever’s Address] 

[City, State, ZIP] 

[Subject: Place the subject here- Best be written in bold formatting] 

Dear [Reciever],

This letter is a formal notice to you about my changing address. Effective [date], I will be changing my address. My previous address, [Old Address], is now irrelevant, and the address of my new location is [New Address]. 

Please consider my request and ensure that our correspondence is sent to my new address, as mentioned in this letter. I want to request you further to update your records or the records of any affiliated organizations so that they have my updated address as well. I would appreciate it if you could forward the notification of my address change to any associated organizations as soon as possible. 

I apologize for any inconvenience this request may have caused, and I further accept that the address change may delay the processing of my requests. Rest assured, your appreciation and prompt attention to this matter will be duly noted. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [phone number]. 

I thank you in advance for your focus and promptness on this matter. 


[Sender’s Name] 

Letter Seeking Information
Sample Information Request Letter
Information to Identify the Case Letter
Informed Delivery Letter
Ach Information Request Letter
Information Needed for a Business Letter
Response Letter to a Request for Information
Letter to Request Information About a Job
Asking for Information Letter
Supplemental Information Letter