Goodwill Dispute Letter

A credit dispute letter, which you may obtain, explains a mistake or out-of-date information on your credit report and is sent to one of the major credit bureaus. Here’s how to write a goodwill dispute letter. 

{Name, Report ID}

{Your address}


{Name of the bureau and its address}

Dear, {name of the agency}

I discovered a mistake in my credit report that has to be looked into after analyzing it. The wrong item(s) are listed in full below, followed by a thorough justification of the issue. Additionally, I have attached copies of pertinent documents to aid your inquiry.

{List incorrect items or errors you have noticed. Write down the account number and time associated with a noticed error. Explanation error.}

Thanks in advance for your assistance


{Your name}

Collections Goodwill Letter
Credit Report Goodwill Letter
Goodwill Collections Letter
Credit Dispute Goodwill Letter
Goodwill Letter to Remove Closed Account
Goodwill Letter for Late Payment
Goodwill Letter to Remove Paid Collections
Credit Score Goodwill Letter
Goodwill Deletion Request Letter
Capital One Goodwill Letter