Letter to Request Company Information

You can use this sample letter to request company information to ask for important details from a company. 

[Sender’s Name] 


[City, State, ZIP] 


[Company Name] 


[City, State, ZIP] 

[Subject: Request for Information – Mention the subject in bold to create emphasis] 

Respected Concerned, 

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am composing this letter to request information about your company for [mention the purpose of requesting the information]. 

Referring to the purposes mentioned above, I believe that the availability of the requested information will prove crucial in achieving the mentioned purposes.

To clarify my requirements, I have mentioned below all the information I require from your company: 

[Mention Your required information here]. 

I have enclosed the documents you may require to process my request. However, if you still need any documentation or resources to progress my request, please inform me immediately so that I can provide the information quickly. 

Your undivided focus on this matter will be highly appreciated. Please try to provide me with the requested information at the earliest. Also, if you have any questions or updates about processing my request, please get in touch with me at [Contact Number] or [email]. 

I remain grateful for your efforts and attention to providing me with the requested information.


[Sender’s Name]

Informed Delivery Letter
Move Out Information Letter
Kindergarten Information Letter
School Information Letter
Thank You for Your Information Letter
Business Letter Requesting Contact Information
New Contact Information Letter
New Hire Information Letter
Sample Letter to Inform Patients
Loan Information Letter