Cover Letter Feedback

What’s the perfect letter template for instances where you receive a cover letter and want to provide cover letter feedback?

Hi {Sender},

Thank you for sending me your cover letter. I appreciate the time you put into writing it. Applying for a job is not an easy feat. After reading your cover letter, I had a couple of remarks and I want to offer my constructive feedback to help you improve it.

First, I think it would be helpful to focus on the job you are applying for and why you are interested in it. This will help the reader understand why you are a good fit for the position. Additionally, it would be beneficial to highlight your skills and experience that are relevant to the job. Next, if there are some common issues that employers in your field are facing, it could be beneficial to explain how you made a difference in your previous work experience. This would show the authority you have in your industry and that you know it through and through.

I hope these suggestions will be helpful for your next application. Thank you for considering {the company name} for this position. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Feedback Letter Sample
Professional Feedback Letter
Bad Feedback Letter
Feedback Letter After Interview
Work Feedback Letter
Feedback Letter to Boss
Meeting Feedback Letter
Constructive Feedback Letter
Letter of Feedback
Feedback Letter for Company