Goodwill Credit Deletion Letter

The pay-for-delete letter is perfect for debts that you genuinely owe but can’t dispute with the credit bureaus. Here’s how to write a professional goodwill credit deletion letter. 

{Your Name/Address}


{Account Number}

To whom it may concern, 

This letter is the reply to your report on {insert date} related to the debt reference. 

Since I have not received any proof of the debt, kindly be advised that this is not an admission or acceptance of the debt. In addition, unless you respond as indicated below, this is neither a pledge to pay nor a payment agreement.

I know that your business has the authority to inform the credit bureaus about this debt as you see fit. Furthermore, as the information provider, you have the authority to alter the listing.

In exchange for your promise to remove all references to this debt, I am willing to pay. If you accept the conditions, I will provide certified funds in return for the deletion of all details pertaining to this debt from all of my credit files.

If this is acceptable, please send the agreement on the address listed above.

Sincerely, {Your name}

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