Work on Holiday Letter

These notifications are beneficial for both the employee and the employer. It can keep the employee up to date with what’s going on in the office, which will make their transition back into work much smoother. Here’s how to write a work on holiday letter.

Dear {Manager’s Name},

I am writing to request a holiday from work, starting on {start date} and ending on {end date}. During this time I plan to take a vacation in {destination}. 

This holiday has been planned for some time and is necessary for me to rest. I understand the importance of fulfilling my duties and promise to make up the hours when I return. I am willing to adjust my schedule accordingly.

I will be available by email or phone if any issues arise at work during my holiday, although I hope that this would not be necessary.

I look forward to your approval of this request. 


{Your Name}

Holiday Application Letter
Holiday Love Letter
Holiday News Letter
Happy Holidays Letter
Holiday Greeting Letter
School Holiday Letter to Parents
Holiday Letter to Manager
Summer Holiday Letter
Employee Holiday Letter
Holiday Letter for School