Excuse Letter For Being Absent In School Due To Vaccination

If your child was absent from school to get vaccinated, here is a sample template you can use to write an excuse letter for being absent in school due to vaccination.

[Parent’s name]
[Teacher’s name]
[School name]
Date: [D/M/YYYY]
Re: Apology for child’s uninformed absence from school.

Dear [Teacher’s name],
My son/ daughter [name] is your student in [class, section]. He/She could not attend school on [day, date] because we got him/ her vaccinated.

He/she developed fever and pain due to the reaction of that vaccine.

At that time, he/she was not in a condition to attend school. Now that her pain and fever both have subsided, he/ she is feeling much better. Please guide her for yesterday’s work that he/she has missed.

[Parent’s name]

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