HOA Hardship Letter

Here is a sample template you can use to write a HOA hardship letter.

Name: _.
Address: .
Phone number: _

Date: __
Loan Number:_.

The Board of Directors,
Name of HOA,

With a heavy heart, I want to bring it to your notice that I have to sell my house in a short sale because of the increasing financial constraints. It’s been nearly eight months since I lost my job. Since then, I have borrowed nearly an amount of [enter amount] against my credit card to keep the house running.

[enter any additional burdens you’re facing]

It has now become impossible for us to afford this house and pay its mortgages and HOA fees.

You can call me if you need any other details.


HOA Infraction Letter
HOA Rejection Letter
HOA Pre Lien Letter Sample
HOA Assessment Increase Letter
HOA Management Welcome Letter
HOA Permission Letter
HOA Board Of Directors Resignation Letter
HOA Noise Complaint Letter
HOA Budget Increase Letter
HOA Estoppel Letter