Church Fundraising Letter

Churches are community-focused institutions that rely on the assistance of their members, supporters, and neighbors, even if they can’t necessarily generate money. Send out a clear, sincere letter to your neighborhood outlining your need for assistance. This is how you can write a church fundraising letter:

Hi {name}

{Start with a narrative that highlights one of your church’s most recent accomplishments. Thank the individual for supporting your community}

Although we are grateful to have been able to {project talked about above}, we need your assistance to {continue the same project or explore a new one}.

We can complete {the next project} with your help. Would you think about making a donation of {amount of money} to support our mission? We can accomplish the objectives of our community by working together.

I would like to thank you for your contribution on behalf of our church family at {your church’s name}. Your donation will support {project}. Here {a direct link}, you can make an online donation.

Sincerely yours,

{Name of a church official}

Letter Asking for Donations for Fundraiser
Fundraising Appeal Letter
Fundraising Direct Mail Letter
Donations Letter for Fundraising
Fundraiser Letter for Family
Event Fundraising Letter
Hospital Fundraising Letter
Fundraising Letter
Fundraiser Letter to Parents
Campaign Fundraising Letter