EIDL Decline Letter

When you fail to qualify for the Economic Injury Disaster Loans, the department will send you this EIDL Decline Letter informing you of this decision.

[Applicant’s Name]
[Small Business Name]
[City, State and Zip Code]
[Mobile/Fax Number]

Dear [Applicant’s Name]
Following the happenings in these unprecedented times and the many financial challenges small businesses face, we have tried to cushion them from the adverse effects. We have made an effort to support small businesses through loans. You are the backbone of the American economy.
With the huge scale of applications for these grants, we want to inform you that your application has been denied. If you disagree with this decision, you can write an appeal citing your reasons to our email address or post office address.
We understand the immense challenges you are facing at this time. The SBA is willing to assist in any way it can on this matter.
The SBA.