Letter To a Parent of a Sick Child

If somebody’s child is sick and you would like to reach out and give your sympathy, here is a simple template you can use to write a letter to a parent of a sick child.

Dearest [name],

How is your child? I am aware how sad it is once your child is ill. You will panic but trust me, this is something you should not do. You should stay positive and your kid will feel alright in no time. Your child is a kind and sincere kid. Always know that everyone is praying for his/her fast recovery.

Your kid and I have an outstanding relationship. Hence, don’t be surprised if I will check up on him/her every now and then. I would also want the child to be feeling great soon. I look forward to seeing the kid in full strength. There is nothing like enjoying every moment as a kid. I know you would want to enjoy each moment as a parent too.

Sincerely yours,


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