Mortgage Application Letter

If you want to request a mortgage from your bank, you can use this Mortgage Application Letter sample template to inquire about the loan and additional information.

[Applicant’s Name]

[City, State and Zip Code]

[Email Address]


[Bank Manager’s Name]

[Bank’s Name]

[City, State and Zip Code]

[Email Address]

Subject: Mortgage Loan Application

Dear Bank Manager,

I have been a loyal customer to [Bank’s Name] for over [Duration] and hold three bank accounts with you. Throughout this period, I have been a model client and paid my loans in time. I also receive my salary through this bank. I am thus writing to submit my application for a mortgage worth [Amount].

I have attached the financing details for the house and all legal documents. I will let my family move into a better and secure location with this amount. I have read through your mortgage agreement, and I agree to all its terms.

I plan to repay through my monthly salary deductions from the bank. I want to discuss additional terms in person, and I hope you consider my mortgage application.


[Applicant’s Signature]

[Applicant’s Name]