Grant Application Letter Of Support

If you need the grant to undertake a community-based project, you can use this Grant Application Letter Of Support to explain your efforts and ask for assistance.

[Applicant’s Name]

[City, State and Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Application Date]

[Recipient’s Name]

[Foundation’s Name]

[City, State and Zip Code]

[Email Address]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to you on behalf of [Outreach program Name] to request a grant of [Amount] for our pilot project in [Aim of the Project].

After careful consideration, we have discovered that a major problem facing children in our communities is lack of access to proper healthcare and important social services [Include Reason for your Initiative]. We are thus working with the locals to create a pediatric center where children can get the help they need.

The local community has been of great help, providing construction land and offering free labor. We need this grant to acquire construction materials and other medical devices. Our team is eager to see this project take off and have a positive impact on the locals. Please contact us through [Mobile Number] for any clarification.


[Sender’s Name]

[Role in the Organization]