Follow Up Job Offer Letter

You have sent a job offer to the candidate who passed the interview. Now you want to send a follow-up job offer letter because you haven’t received a reply back. Here’s a cool template you can use. 

Dear {Candidate’s Name},

Thank you for coming in for an interview {time frame, example: last week}. I have already sent you a job offer letter {days ago}, but haven’t received a response back. I know that things can often get lost in the brimming inboxes, so let me cut right to the chase.

I am happy to announce that we have reached our decision and decided that we would like to offer you the job. We were very impressed with your qualifications, and we think this could be a mutually good fit.

This is a formal job offer letter, and it outlines the terms of employment. The position starts on {Date} and the salary is {Money} per year. You will be required to work {hours} hours per week. As was discussed in the interview, the job duties are as follows:

{List job duties that you want the candidate to perform}

If you accept this job offer, please let me know by signing and dating this letter and returning it to me. I look forward to welcoming you onboard soon.


{Your Name}