Follow Up Email Letter of Recommendation

You have sent a letter of recommendation promoting a person’s qualities, but you haven’t received a reply. Now you want to write a follow-up email letter of recommendation.

Hi {Recipient’s Name}

I hope you’ve had a chance to look over the email I sent recommending {Name of the Person Recommended} for the [Position title] position. I put a lot of time into tailoring that letter to fit the individual and your company’s hiring goals, and I’m confident that they would be an excellent addition to your team.

Since I haven’t heard back from you yet about whether or not they were accepted, I’m writing this follow-up email. I completely understand if you’re still in the process of reviewing applications, but I just wanted to make sure that you received my email and that it was at least considered.

Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear back from you soon.
