1 Year Anniversary Letter

A love letter sent in honor of a first wedding anniversary {or another significant milestone in a relationship} is especially meaningful because it signifies the end of the first year of a brand-new, very romantic partnership. Here’s a template for 1 year anniversary letter you can use to express your feelings for your partner.

Dear partner,

A year ago today, we embarked on the most incredible journey of our lives. I still pinch myself sometimes when I think about how blessed I am to be with you. You make me laugh like no one else can, and you challenge me in ways that nobody ever has before. I never knew what it was like to be so content and happy until I met you. 

There have been so many highs over the past year – from experiencing new cultures together to conquering our fears and making progress each and every day. We’ve faced some difficult moments as well, but we’ve tackled them head-on because we are stronger together. Every trial has made us only more determined to fight for our relationship and for our future. 

I cannot wait to see what the next year holds for us! There is nothing that can stop us from achieving whatever we set our minds to – not even mountains (which we will continue to climb together). I look forward to growing old with you by my side, celebrating all of life’s joys and sorrows as they come. 

Thank you for being my everything – my best friend, my lover, and my world. Without you, life would be meaningless. 

Always yours, {name}